Gasoline Powered Leaf Blowers at 1AM!

Ongoing is the use of gasoline powered leaf blowers to move garbage at all hours of the night…75 feet from our home.

Several calls to the police yield the stopping of the noise…for that moment. Next cleanup the blowers are back.

After repeated calls to the owner, with assurances of correction replied, the noise kept up at all hours.

We finally signed a complaint.

Four months later, which saw 3 court dates, two court appearances, 2 hours in line in a hot hallway at court for a mandatory meeting with the prosecutor who could not entertain the logic of just saying no, and finally an impromptu trial where the judge said “this is crazy, no leaf/garbage blowing 8PM to 8AM.

The order has been completely ignored…with arrogance.

This is the incident of 2022.09.07, 1AM, blowers, sweepers, and multiple 80,000 lb trucks idling, see clip here: