Bulk Express Transfer Terminal (no Planning review)

3 out of 10 times, the trucks parking on Applegarth Rd., all hours, are from Bulk Express 200+feet from our residence. One trucker in their employ stated “we can do anything in Monroe!”

The extent of the operation is mind boggling. First one truck, then two, then bulldozers in the middle of the night clearing trees for more trucks and trailers.

This is not a continuing operation. The previous manufacturing/warehousing has long ceased. There could never have been site plan approval for this sloppy operation. Long haul trucks drop off trailers, all hours of the night, then those trailers are staged locally. The property serves as truck tractor storage as well.

“Truck Terminals” are specifically not permitted in the Monroe Zoning Ordinances. Though not prominently defined, every court opinion describes it as the dropping of long haul trailers and local staging.

Even if there was a variance, common sense would say that it did not include “do what ever you want.” No paving, no designated parking areas, no buffers to adjacent residences and church, non adherence to the 5000 sq feet of floor space IN USE of the warehouse. In a warehouse operation, material is unloaded, sorted, packaged and then reloaded. Not the case here.

  • Need to see the current site plan in play from the previous use
  • Was that use itself legal
  • Were permits issued for bulldozing trees?
  • What are the buffer requirements to adjacent church and residences?
  • Hours of operation?
  • Idling trucks of overnight parking needs enforcement.
  • Paved designated parking for acceptable floor ratio to trucks.
  • This whole arrangement should be turned over to a prosecutor to determine criminality.